The Day It Happened

I awoke feeling strange,
I awoke feeling unfamiliar,
I awoke feeling reborn,
on the day it happened.
I awoke robed in peace,
feeling blessed and forgiven,
a smile on my face
upon a tear-drenched pillow,
knowing for the first time
just what I needed to do,
what I yearned to become,
knowing we are many,
yet still only one,
singing with my all,
for the first time,
for the last time,
on the day that They came,
on the day it happened.
The stars fell to Earth,
the sun blinked and winked,
the air was fresh and sweet
as sage and cedar,
giant redwoods chimed out
like wedding bells,
manna rained on Manhattan,
rainbow feathers fell on Bejing,
Kunapipi and Durga danced
in Dublin and Sydney,
the Blue Star Kachina revealed
Her face in the marketplace,
Kind Mary healed in Harlem,
upon Her bed of burning roses,
Kuan Yin walked the streets
of Bogota and Moscow,
dragon and eagle were conjoined
in the alchemical cauldron
whilst each and all cried out loudly
in voice of crimson fire:
'Hallelujah, Hallelujah,
She comes, She comes,
see each vast thing,
see each small thing,
restored, refashioned, recast
in new hues,
a new day, a new dawn,
a new way, a new world,
on the day that They came,
on the day it happened.
I saw, saw the All,
dance new worlds into being,
I saw, saw the All,
a cup of bright wonder and healing,
saw Her smile sweetly and star-eyed,
Her veil slipping down,
holding me closely,
holding me familiarly,
bathing me in Her glory,
whispering out my true name,
and so I laid down my robes,
yes, I lay myself down,
as naked and new
as the day I was born,
as the day I did die,
on the day that She came,
on the day it happened.
I found myself flying,
I found myself falling,
aroused into awakening,
becoming, undying,
as if I were egoless,
as f I were Icarus,
my eye, become a sun,
my eye, a moon,
by Her hand, by Her hand,
my shaft set ablaze,
become a ladder to heaven,
by Her hand, my head crowned,
that I may march beneath Her banner,
my lips wildly pressed to
the burning, endless firmament,
crying out for Her to take me,
crying out that She may wed me,
and I blushed like a virgin
before the blazing face of the dawn,
on the day that They came,
on the day it happened.

By Uriel