Origin of the book
A life-changing experience was the catalyst for ‘The Garden Where Four Rivers Flow’. One early Autumn sojourn amidst the wonders of the dreamtime, I heard a voice announce that I would be given the chance to choose from one of three spirits, a spirit who would then both compose and perform a song for me. These were the spirits of Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin and Jim Morrison. Now, in my everyday consciousness, I would most likely have chosen Jimi Hendrix, but this was the dreamtime where everything is different. Instead I chose Jim Morrison. Upon doing so, he manifested before me in an extraordinarily vivid manner, repetitively chanting to the music of ‘Five to One’ (a song by the Doors, in case you didn’t know). The words he sang were: ‘The sun and the moon are you’, over and over again, all the while building up in tornado-like power and intensity. As the song crescendoed, I was catapulted into a vision of a most preternaturally beautiful tree which I immediately recognised as being ‘The Tree of Life’. I felt it to be feminine and She was majestically singing. I saw my brain and spine as a tree within, felt neurological pathways firing off like fireworks at Christmas whilst simultaneously receiving a download of information in binary code, very much like the intro to ‘The Matrix’.
Upon awakening, my mind overflowed with thoughts as to whether Jesus, as the son of a carpenter, had created any of his own woodwork? What form, I found myself wondering, would his craft have taken? What sacred mysteries would his art have expressed? If so, did any pieces remain in existence? It was this seed of contemplation that quickly blossomed into a tree whose every burning leaf was a story. Many stories, yet only one: the Hieros Gamos, the Sacred Marriage, the ancient, hidden tale of the ‘The Alchemical Wedding’.